ANTLERS – A Gaze Into the Abyss

Music and lyrics by Antlers. Recorded in the fall of MMXIV and mixed in the beginning of MMXV by TobiasHäusler. Mastering by Chris Fielding. Pictures by Mnk Kstlr and Susie. Logo by Buffy. Graphic work by Raul Ruiz Mateos and Ntx. Lyrics for Carnival of Freedom and Betrayal adapted from the book “Q” by the collective Luther Blisset. Part of the spoken passage in „To TheThroats” adapted from the poem “A war song to englishmen” by William Blake.

This album is dedicated in loving memory to Pablos Grandma Lola, who passed during the recording of this album.
May the laughter forever be with you in the Otherworld.

Antlers are M. & Mts & Ntx & Pablo C. Ursusson

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